
Showing posts from November, 2019

In 2020, make good resolutions for your events!

A new year is coming with new projects, new corporate Events and new challenges. So for this year 2020 to unfold at best, we give you some ideas for good resolutions to adopt. Apply the good VAT                                                                Event organizer  must apply to your ticket the  VAT rate which you are subject . To find out what rate you need to apply, contact your accountant or the tax department and their documentation. To set a VAT rate at your ticket office, you must choose a VAT when  setting your tariff  . Apply a quota Applying a quota is essential to avoid overfilling your event. You can limit the amount of tickets available during the step of setting your fare. Anticipate Anticipation is the watchword of the event organizer. So do not hesitate in 2018 to take the right resolution to place your orders in advance on our online store or ask for your quote in advance, you will avoid stress. Communicate with your participants Communicat

Christmas is coming: reward the loyalty of your participants!

The holiday season is often synonymous with generosity. We provide catering Services to reward your participants. Special rate "end of year celebrations" The end of the year arrives and our catering Services in Lahore has set up a special rate for the occasion, for that nothing more simple, follow the steps below. Step 1: Add a rate to your event: We advise you to opt for an explicit and clear price tag that can be quickly understood by your participants. Step 2: Communicate on this tariff You can do it via a newsletter or your social networks for example; we invite you to associate your wishes for the end of the year for a better effect. A promo code for your most loyal participants Step 1: Create your promotion code: You can set up a promotion code for your most loyal customers. When setting up, it is advisable to opt for a promotion code name and a validity period referring to the end of year holidays. Step 2: Identify your most loyal partici

Really increase your ticket sales!

How about drastically increasing your corporate Events turnover? We have listed key tactics for you to help you increase your ticket sales! ANALYZE It may seem obvious, but in the heat of the  moment , event management companies tend to repeat the same strategies from year to year. However, behaviors change rapidly, and some advertising investments become less relevant. For example, you could include a question such as "How did you hear about the festival?" in your order form. With the custom form of event you can collect relevant data that will help you better understand your participants. MULTIPLY POINTS OF SALE By allowing your future participants to buy on different platforms, event organizer increase your chances of selling tickets. A visitor will be able to visit your website for information, visit your Facebook page to read participants' comments and finally decide to buy from their phone. With our cross-platform solution, we allow you to sell to diff

Make sales on the spot thanks to your display counter

As an event organizer , an on-site sales box office in addition to your  online ticketing service  can be helpful. For this ticket booths on site directly accessible from  your interface . This counter allows you to sell tickets on site on the day and / or to entrust a sales area to a partner (tourist office, physical store ...). Set up your counter Use your counter Check sales on your counter Set up your counter 1. Create a wicket Event management can create as many windows as they want. For example, creating multiple wickets may allow you to allocate a window for your own organization and other wickets for your partners who market your events. 2. Configure your wicket By default, all events and all rates created are sold in the ticket windows. However, you have the opportunity to make a selection of events and rates that will be available for sale on the spot. For each window, it is possible to create one or more Operator profiles. An operator has a right of ac

Selling Tickets of Your Event at Display Counter

To sell from a counter, the user must go to  your website . He will connect to it thanks to his operator identifiers. To use on-site sales counter, you need a computer connected to the internet and connected to a printer. PAYMENT (S) Event management can select the accepted payment methods for the sale from  your counter . Some payment methods are available by default (cash, check, bank card). Billing Invoices issued from a counter use the coordinates of the organizing account. As an operator, if you uncheck this option, you can fill out and use your own details on the invoices you will issue. Composting tickets automatically   This setting makes it possible to consider as scanned tickets, tickets sold or reprinted by the operator of your ticket office. Once automatic composting has been selected, you have the option of specifying whether automatic ticket composting should occur in the event's default checklist, or in a checklist selected by the operator. - 

Turn your event ticketing into a booking module and much more

Event management also has online ticketing software. You can use your ticketing module to sell more than just tickets for your events. Making appointments Donations and cash collections Online booking for restaurants Making appointments If you offer services (households, massages ...) you can create online reservations with event organizer . For that you must first of all create an event. Then follow the steps below: Event dates: When setting up your event you are obligated to complete the field  event dates . Attention: in your case, these dates correspond to your dates of appointment. Sessions: Since you offer appointments, select the session mode. You will only have to choose the days and the schedules of your corporate Events . You will then be asked for the rate of the session in question and the quota (number of people) to apply. Prices : Regarding rates, indicate in the label the name of the service. You can specify in what it consists in the descri